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Look for the pearl of the movement during the pearl route in Sint Philipsland.

Pearl route “Movement”

Sint Philipsland, A village in motion. On the dike you can see the water rising and receding, the blades of the old mill turning and once a tram drove through the landscape. And then Sint Philipsland is also a sports village! That is why you can exercise yourself during the route.

This village on the edge of the Oosterschelde is familiar with the constant movement of ebb and flow. You will discover what else is moving. Through the combination with the movement route Can you make something really active out of this?


Starting location: De Sjap (Voorstraat 40)
Route length: 3 kilometers

How does the interactive pearl route work?

Open your pearl route in the 'Pearl route Tholen' app. (For Iphone – IOS in the App store. For eg Samsung – Android in the Google play store)

In the most beautiful location walking in Zeeland? You will discover more about the area while walking the interactive Pearl Route. Answer the pearl route questions, do the assignments and collect letters. Can you make a word at the end of the pearl route? Then you can open the very last video with this password. With this video on your screen, go to the indicated location to pick up your own pearl of the movement!

Movement route

Along the same route as the Pearl Route, there are panels on which exercises are listed for each target group. For children, the exercises are focused on moving play, for adults this is more focused on active movement and challenge. For the elderly, the movements are aimed at staying in shape. Existing elements in the area are used as much as possible, such as a dyke staircase or a bench. Sporty, fun & challenging!

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