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Go in search of the pearl of origin during the pearl route in Scherpenisse.

Interactive Pearl Route

A village where the water has played a clear role in the origin of the location of the village. But also in the origin of the nature reserves that surround it: De Pluimpot, Scherpenissepolder and of course the Oosterschelde. The Kloveniersgilde also originated in this village to keep the enemy out of the village.

Scherpenisse (pearl of the origin): the origin of the village can be traced back to the 13th century. A village called Scarpenisse, which means sharp headland. The village originated at a dammed side channel of the Pluimpot, a former estuary.


Start location: Texaco gas station (Spuidamstraat 5)
Route length: 3 kilometers.

How does the interactive pearl route work?

Open your pearl route in the Zeeland App. (For Iphone – IOS in the App store. For eg Samsung – Android in the google play store) Download the route by clicking on the arrow at the top right and go to the starting location of the route (the red dot).

In the most beautiful location walking in Zeeland? You will discover more about the area while walking the interactive Pearl Route. Answer the pearl route questions, do the assignments and collect letters. Can you make a word at the end of the pearl route? Then you can open the very last video with this password. With this video on your screen, go to the indicated location to pick up your own pearl of the origin!

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